IPBIS Board Members
IPBIS is currently seeking new member applicants to join our Board of Directors
IPBIS seeks diversity of professions and a range of experience working in the field of brain injury among children and young people for representation on our Board. Board members are expected to contribute constructively to board activities and will have previously participated in IPBIS events. We particularly welcome applications from people working in countries not currently represented on our Board. If you believe you can offer experience which would be valuable to IPBIS please complete the application form below and attach a copy of your current CV. Send the completed form to: hello @ ipbis.org marked ‘Board Application’.
When a vacancy occurs, IPBIS has a Nominations Committee which considers all applications on the criteria below:
- Experience in child brain injury/rehabilitation from clinical and/or research perspective
- Previous participation with IPBIS e.g. attended meetings
- Other experience which would be valuable to the board
- Commitment to evidence base
- Commitment to clinical best practice
- Capacity to contribute constructively to board activities
- Represents a country not on board
- Represents diversity of profession
All applications considered suitable will be submitted to the current board members for a voting process. You will be advised of the outcome of your application in due course.
To Download the Application please click the button below.