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Educational Objectives

The Scientific Planning Committee is developing a broad educational programme that will address a wide range of brain injury topics, including:

  • The epidemiology of acquired brain injuries in children and adolescents from a world health care perspective,
  • Evidence-based research regarding the nature and efficacy of medical, clinical and educational rehabilitation of acquired brain injuries in children and adolescents,
  • The varied causes of ABI in childhood, including medical conditions and non-accidental traumatic injuries,
  • Protocols to support families affected by paediatric ABI, towards affecting change at National and International levels,
  • Models of innovative systems, services and supports for children with ABI and their families, and
  • How to better recognize, manage and treat mTBI/concussions in children/adolescents.


The Conference will bring together multidisciplinary professionals with an interest in improving outcomes for children, adolescents, and young adults with acquired brain injury and their families/carers.

Attendees will be comprised of physicians, neuropsychologists, therapists, allied health professionals, and brain injury advocates. This list is not exhaustive and the organisers expect all multidisciplinary professionals involved in paediatric brain injury will benefit from this valuable opportunity to engage with experts, gain insights, and establish new collaborations.